Christmas 2011

Christmas 2011


Lilypie Third Birthday tickers


Lilypie First Birthday tickers



Miss Sadie was discharged from her GI doc yesterday.  What an exciting day it was for me!  :)  We were going there b/c she had a very high bilirubin, but the thing is; it's not the normal jaundice that goes away with light therapy.  She was taking a medication to help get the sludge moving out of her gall bladder and get that bilirubin down.  The last 2 visits it has been normal & Dr R said," I'm going to have to say goodbye now."  While we just love the guy - so nice, compassionate, gentle, etc; what a BIG praise for my little girl.  Dr R said," you told me in the beginning that it would do this and I believed you.  That's why I didn't run all those expensive tests."  Praise the Lord!!!

We will still be seeing the hematologist for a while, but that's okay!  We love Dr C & have been seeing her since Zachary was born, so we have a very good relationship with her.  Her & I talked several times during my pregnancy with Sadie when I was worried about something.  If you ever need a Hematologist or GI doc - you call me!  Sadie does have 4 weeks off from seeing the hematologist, but does have to go back in 2 weeks for blood work.  She has actually gone up by .2 since the last visit 2 weeks ago; which is a HUGE praise b/c that means that she is MAKING her own red blood cells now.  Which also means; more than likely, NO MORE BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS!!!  I just keep praying that this is the case & if so, she's JUST like her big brother!  So, 3 & that's it.  Time will tell especially when we go back in 2 weeks.  If it's still up where it was this last time; then that's pretty much a sure sign that blood transfusions are over & in our past. 

I hope to blog more b/c I have really missed it, but I have been busy with Zachary & Sadie.  They're definitely worth having my attention & then Les gets my attention at night when he's home!

We have also been working on getting our Lucas house on the market, so sometime in the next few days (once our Realtor has a sunny day for pics).  He's hoping for Monday, but really all depends on the weather!  We have filled out the paperwork and gave all that to him today.

I'll leave you with a few pics.....just one........we're about to get hit with a severe storm.  ENJOY!!!!

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