Christmas 2011

Christmas 2011


Lilypie Third Birthday tickers


Lilypie First Birthday tickers



I wanted to post some good news. I started jump roping about 2 weeks ago or so. When I 1st started jumping - it was really hard to keep my breath. I can tell my stamina is going up b/c I didn't get out of breath as quick tonight. I made about 5 min of cont. jumping. Gosh - that's hard though! I remember when I was a kid and it was nothing to jump rope - of course, I used to be able to do a 5 min kick routine too.

I have enjoyed my jump roping - my jump rope is purple too - my fav color!! :)

Well, this is a short post; just wanted ya'll to know this.

Have a great week!!!!


Thought Provoking!?!?

Cindy Sheehan asked President Bush, "Why did my son have to die in Iraq?"

Another mother asked President Kennedy, "Why did my son have to die in Viet Nam?"

Another mother asked President Truman, "Why did my son have to die in Korea?"

Another mother asked President F.D. Roosevelt, "Why did my son have to die at Iwo Jima?"

Another mother asked President W. Wilson, "Why did my son have to die on the battlefield of France?"

Yet another mother asked President Lincoln, "Why did my son have to die at Gettysburg?"

And yet another mother asked President G. Washington, "Why did my son have to die near Valley Forge?"

Then, long, long ago, a mother asked, "Heavenly Father, why did my Son have to die on a cross outside of Jerusalem?"

The answers to all these are similar -- "that others may have life and dwell in peace, happiness and freedom."

Author Unknown



K is for Keen
I is for Irresistible
M is for Magical
B is for Bewitching
E is for Enlightened
R is for Rebellious
L is for Likeable
Y is for Yummy

For Nicole

Okay all my faithful blog know who you are. ;)

So I get an e-mail from Nicole this morning to update my blog, so, here is an update on what I did last night.

Today is my cuz' b'day and last night we had a surprise b'day party for him - thanks for all who came out. We had a good time hanging out and eating some good ole catfish. Danny was very surprised and had no idea!!!!

Afterwards, we went to Les' house (me, Les, Dan and Jason W.). We played some pool and the guys sang "classic country" tunes. Quite amusing to say the least. I would have sang along, but I didn't know any of the songs, well a few.

Let's see the newest thing in my life right now is that I might move in with a friend of mine - Nicole. We're looking at apartments right now and trying to decide where to move. We're thinking about Parkview Legends in McKinney. We have some friends that live in that complex and they like it there, so, maybe we'll move in there. We did get $650 off right up front - you rock Nicole!!

Also, there is a possibility of freezing rain this weekend - how exciting! I am off on Mon. for Presidents Day and I am psyched about that. YEAH!

Well, I am going to go back to work now, but I'll write something else eventually!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




1/2 way there

Well, we are over 1/2 way to the big "LOVE" holiday - a.k.a. Valentine's.

Last year I was single and I hung out with da girls. We went and saw "Hitch" with Will Smith and ate supper together. We had a good time.

This year - I have a Valentine :). I am not sure what we'll be doing - I offered to cook, so, we'll see what actually comes about. I am looking forward to the 14th no matter what we end up doing.


Valentine's Wordsearch

I came across this word search online and thought I would help everyone get in the spirit of Valentine's. You can play it as many times as you want and they will keep scrambling the letters - that way it is different each time you play it. :) I love word search puzzles, so, this was right up my alley. ENJOY! (Valentine Puzzle)

Today marks the 1st day of February; which means there is only 13 more days till Valentine's!!