Sheesh, does time really have to fly by so fast?!
My boy just turned 2 yrs old last Friday & we celebrated at home w/ cake & ice cream w/ the grandparents from both sides. It was nice to have both sets there to enjoy in on the fun celebrating our big boy's 2nd b'day. We love you, Zachary!!!!!!
He is doing amazingly well w/ Sadie & I'm so proud of him. I thought it would be harder for him to adjust, but really, so far he's done excellent. He's talking so much these days & it's hard to keep him quiet.......LOL I just love to hear him learning new words literally EVERYDAY! He loves to have his hair fixed w/ mousse in it. He loves to be outside. He loves candy! He loves his train table. He likes to bite or pull the dogs hair/ears, etc. He enjoys going down slides. I could go on and on about our little guy. Just love him so much & he's been such a great little helper now that the baby is here.
Our little lady Sadie turned 2 weeks old yesterday, really?! She had her 2 wk checkup yesterday and she had gained 4 oz in about 4-5 days. She is nursing exclusively for now & I really hope to make it as long as possible with her. She slept 4 hours or so at a time last night & it was wonderful! I feel great today - YAY!!!!
Both of their rooms are painted at the new house & the kitchen has been painted RED; which I just love! We're planning on actually living over there by next Thurs, so we'll see how much we're able to get done next week in between doc appts. :) I'm getting very excited, but the change is also kind of scary. I just love where we live now & I'm starting to adjust some as we work on clearing the house out. I know that it will feel more like home once we're over there & all moved in w/ boxes gone & everything put up. However, right now I am already missing our current home & I'm STILL living there. I like change on smaller things, but this is a big thing. I know that we need more room & that God has directed our paths to this place - absolutely no doubt on that at all. So, here is a hoorah for the new house!!!!!!!!
I need to download the pictures that I have on my camera b/c we've gotten some really cute pictures of the kids.
Have a great weekend & get out & enjoy this beautiful weather!!!! :)
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