I was very excited & can't wait to share the news of what I did this past Sunday at church.........I rededicated my life to the Lord. You might say," does that mean she wasn't a Christian?" Absolutely not, but I feel that I have somewhat "strayed" (for lack of a better term) from where I was back in college. I was so dedicated, witnessed, read my Bible, etc. Now, I am lucky to read my Bible at least 1x a week & I was REALLY tired of that! Les & I have been doing our devotions together, praying together, etc, but I haven't been having my own time with my Savior.
Now that we have switched churches, I have totally realized that I am nowhere near where I once was & I want to get back there & beyond too! As I think over the last 5 yrs; this is where the change took place. I have been going to a church that wasn't really challenging me in my walk. Now that we have changed churches, I am like," whoa, now this is how a church should be!" Do I get my toes stepped on - yes; Do I hear what I need to hear FROM THE BIBLE - yes. It's just a total change and I love it. It is bringing me back to where I need to be every time I hear our Pastor speak. He speaks the Truth & exactly what America has strayed from. Our Country is too far from where we once were too & I am saddened that Christians don't speak up & let our voices be heard, Yes, I am guilty too! I am so glad that Les & I have been led to this church & we look forward to how it's going to continue challenging & growing us in ways that we need to be stretched.
If you don't have a church home & you want to hear probably what our grandparents heard in their sermons; then come on out & be blown away. :) He says it like it is & doesn't apologize for God's Truth.
Has God been faithful despite my role in our relationship...ABSOLUTELY!!! He will always be faithful no matter how far we stray; He will be there to put the pieces of our lives back together again. Thank you, Lord - I love you!
Matthew 10:32-33 Jesus says, "Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before my Father who is in heaven."
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