Christmas 2011

Christmas 2011


Lilypie Third Birthday tickers


Lilypie First Birthday tickers


30 weeks!

I figured while Zachary slept; that I would update my blog for today's post - 30 weeks & counting.  :)  Here is my 30 week belly shot, so I think that I am looking pretty darn good for being 30 weeks. 
My stats for this week:
*I have gained around 15 lbs - YAY!
*Measuring about 1-2 wks ahead or somewhere around there b/c of the excess fluid.
*I have Braxton Hicks contractions daily.  I don't remember having them this often and much with Zachary.
*I am still planning on a VBAC, but it all depends on what my body does between now & 39 weeks (that's as far as they're letting me go!)
*Sleeping well besides getting up to the use the potty.
*I usually take a few naps a week, but don't need them daily again yet.  :)
*We still don't have a name - just thought that I would throw that in there too.  HA!

Well, I hope you all have a great day & I will try to get another update done of the rest of our Christmas in the next few days. 

1 comment:

Vegas Campise Crew said...

You look amazing woman!!!! Wish I was there! Miss getting to see that sweet belly grow! :( I got your invitation yesterday. Sorry I won't be there but I promise something will be coming in the mail a little later. Still gotta make it. :) Love ya bunches and I will see you in May!!!!