Christmas 2011

Christmas 2011


Lilypie Third Birthday tickers


Lilypie First Birthday tickers


All Moved!

Hello, well, I have completely moved and settled in for the most part. I want to say thank you to my mom for helping me b/c w/o her, it wouldn't have gone as smoothly as it did! Thank You Mom, I love you!
Thank you is in order to Sammie and Lindy who waited for the movers on the McKinney end after they left my mom and I in Fort Worth. Thank you!
I'm sorry dad you couldn't help, but it was very important for you to be with grandma. My grandma had a pace maker put in on Tues., but during the procedure, they punctured her lung a little bit.
Well, it ended up collapsing and they put in a chest tube...OUCH. She is doing better now and she seems to think she might get to go home tomorrow. We'll see, that's for sure. She's been in the hospital for 10 days now.

The movers were only about 45 min. late, so, not bad at all! YEAH, thanks Nick and Billy.

The whole moving process with the movers only lasted about 3 1/2 - 4 hrs. Not too shabby. I am so glad that it's all over.

We were able to get through every box in the same day. On Wed., we put up curtains and things like that.

I have officially started my new job. The first day was a little rough b/c there was so much to learn. I was bushed when I got home.........thanks for supper mom.

Today (2nd day) was not bad at all. I was busy pretty much all day except when we as a staff would take a break and chit chat some. Overall, I have had a good 2 days and I look forward to Mon. I think I'll like my job once I get it down. They said that in a month, I'll be doing just fine, so, I'll be glad when that month marker is here.

I am really excited, tomorrow morning at my new apt., they are having a brunch for Mother's Day. They are having someone come out to make omelets! YUMMY. My mom is going to come and eat "brunch" with me. Then we're going to go out and go grocery shopping. All I have in my refigerator is milk and some soft drinks. I can't survive on that......(c:

I am going to end for now, but I did want to update on me.


1 comment:

Pilot Mom said...

Congrats! Glad you are liking your job and they are liking you! That always is a winning combination.

Glad to hear your grandmother is improving.

Enjoy your Mother's Day with your mom! My sister and I are glad to share it together with our Mom.:)