Christmas 2011

Christmas 2011


Lilypie Third Birthday tickers


Lilypie First Birthday tickers



I am happy to announce that I was offered the job. I am soo excited. I will begin soon and start learning the new position. I give all the praise to God b/c He gave the job to me. He literally put the job into my lap and I just took the initiative and followed the path that was laid ahead of me. Thanks to the many prayers that were lifted up for me. Thank you God, you're so faithful.
If you have any questions, let me know!


p.s. I am in MD right now w/ my nephew and new niece. We're having a good time loving on them. In fact, Caleb is coming home with us on Mon. How fun is that?!


dashadra said...

Congrats Kimberly! I am very excited for you!

Pilot Mom said...

Kimberly, me thinks it is time for a wee update! ;) {{hugs}}