Christmas 2011

Christmas 2011


Lilypie Third Birthday tickers


Lilypie First Birthday tickers


Galveston Trip!!!!

A few weeks ago, me, my mom, & Zachary went to Galveston for a few days. My mom was feeling better since she is recovering from her chemo. I only had a few more weeks till I was no longer allowed to travel, so off we went! We had so much fun eating seafood, going to the fresh seafood market (right at the bay), walking along the beach & collecting a few shells, eating seafood, eating ice cream at this huge tourist shop & dancing to the music, driving around looking at everything, eating seafood, watching a few movies & just relaxing, etc. Can you tell that we LOVED the seafood part?? Oh, I know one day we even walked this jetty that was over a mile (to/from the end of it). Needless to say, it took us over an hour b/c Zachary was walking it too. The weather was nice & not windy, so we enjoyed our walk. We say porpusis/dolphins and that was sooo cool!!!!!!! When I told Les he said," were they wild in the ocean?" I said," Yes, it was GREAT!"

Here are a few pictures from our trip - enjoy!!!!

Here are Zachary & I eating our ice creams.

Here is Grammy & Zachary eating their ice creams.

Here is a hotel that is all damaged from the past hurricanes.  The first floor is completely gone.  There are various windows that are knocked out, but I couldn't get everything from where I was taking the picture.

Here we are after eating our ice cream - the ocean behind us.

HAHAHAHAHAHA - this makes me laugh so hard!

Here we are in the car - not sure where we were going or what we were doing.

Here is a picture of the cold front approaching - it was NASTY looking.  It approached so fast & then our temps dropped!

This was on our way down to Galveston.  I had my feet propped up on the dashboard, so here is Zachary trying to copy me.  He has his little feet in the air too.  He's a cutie!

Here we are downtown after we left the fresh seafood market & Zachary is talking to his daddy as we start our drive home.

Here is Zachary trying to put Grammy's hat on.  He is so funny!

This was the 1st morning.  They were up in bed watching TV.

Here we are on the Ferry - we rode this 2x b/c he loved it so much.  This night was very cold!!!  You can see the moon behind us, so that was neat seeing it reflect in the ocean.

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