Christmas 2011

Christmas 2011


Lilypie Third Birthday tickers


Lilypie First Birthday tickers


Coyote Action

So, last night Kodi had to get up at 2 AM to go poop (she has been getting sick from sneaking pecans). I took her out and she was doing her business, but just seemed to be not wanting to go in either. I hooked her up to the chain outside and left her. When she was younger, we would leave her hooked up outside our window and we could check on her if we needed to. She had never had any problems till last night. I had fallen back asleep (FINALLY) and all of a sudden you hear Kodi screaming or yelping. Not sure what that noise was b/c we have never heard her like that before. I quickly jumped up and looked out our west window towards the chain. I saw something out there and she was on the back porch by our window all scared. All of a sudden, I saw what I think was a coyote or bobcat. It was light colored and she was petrified. I told Les that she had broke the leash, but when I ran to her, she had actually pulled the whole stake out of the ground. I was SHOCKED! So, I know that whatever it was, she fought for her life to get away. I checked her really well to make sure that she wasn't bit, cut, or scratched. She looked just fine, but definitely glad to see me. I took her back to our room where her cage is and she was out, safe and sound.

Now, I am a little scared to go out with her at night not knowing what it was that tried. From what I could see though, it was more than likely a coyote.

1 comment:

Vegas Campise Crew said...

AWWWWWWWWW! Poor Kodi! That is scary! Oh my goodness!!!! Glad she is okay! Zachary is adorable! I can't wait to see him!!!!!!!!!!! I am having Zachary withdrawls. :( Miss ya woman! Love ya!