Christmas 2011

Christmas 2011


Lilypie Third Birthday tickers


Lilypie First Birthday tickers



I was wondering WHY, oh why, are we having another fussy night and not wanting to eat a lot.  Well, when Les got home and was playing with Z, I saw our point of fussiness.........LOL  He is working on getting his 6th tooth.  This one is coming in next to the right front tooth.  I can see it, so it won't be too long till it cuts through.  I can only imagine what it's going to be like when the molars come in...........OUCH!

Today, Z went to see the pedi b/c he had a little infection on his middle finger.  He said that he must have had a hang nail that got ripped off (hmmm.......probably) and caused a minor infection.  So, he opened it up and drained it.  Z didn't flinch, tear up, or anything!!!!  I was so proud of our little guy.  He looked in his ears while we there and the infection is gone in the left ear, so he's all clear for now.  He has like 3 more days of medicine and then we'll be done.  I wish that was over now b/c he's not liking the taking of the meds...........hahaha  So, I have to trick him into taking it, but I get it down him w/ minimal spitting it out or drooling it out........CRAZY!!

His fave thing to do for several weeks now is to feed the dog(s) his food.  He will be looking at me, while I tell him "no" and then drop it over.  I think that we're going to have a strong-willed boy on our hands.  I told him no again after he dropped it and his little lip drew in and he was about to cry.  I asked him if he was not hungry yet and got him out of his seat and let him play till the pork chops were done.  Then I got him back in his chair, he ate with me, and was so happy to see dad come in the door too. 

He's so sweet and growing and changing like crazy.  He's at SUCH a fun age and I love when he Les will get up and get him out of bed and he'll come crawling down the hall toward our room.  He's so excited to see me and just grins super big!  I love getting him out of bed too in the mornings b/c he has such a big smile and just so excited to see me/us.  :)  One thing that has stuck with me was when Marcy blogged about being happy and letting them know that you're happy when you see them (totally paraphrased.......sorry, Marcy!!!).  I try to always let him know how happy I am to see him, let him know how much he is loved (he gets TONS of kisses), etc.  I can't remember exactly how Marcy put it in her blog, but that's what I got out of her blog.  He always grins as big as his mouth will allow when we come to get him out of bed, playing with him, or even getting him out of the bouncer.

I count it as a true blessing and reward from God for allowing us to be Z's parents.  He brightens my day everyday and I am always soo excited to spend time with him.  Makes me tear up right now just thinking of how blessed I am to have the husband that allows me to stay home and raise Z.  I am also so blessed to have such a great little guy, even on the hard days.

Here's a few pictures to leave you with:


Marcy said...

I think you said it perfectly! No denying it, Zachary is a happy boy!

Vegas Campise Crew said...

He is sooooo precious! I have to say I still see you in him but that top pic looks somewhat like Les too. :) We sure enjoyed seeing yall over Christmas and can't wait to see yall again soon! Love you bunches!