Christmas 2011

Christmas 2011


Lilypie Third Birthday tickers


Lilypie First Birthday tickers



Not sure where this was taken, but it is us!!!

Caitlyn, Zachary and Caleb (2 of his cousins on my side).

Here he is.......he crawled under the tunnel. LOVES crawling through this. Zachary got this from the triplets when he was about 2-3 months old.

Here he is standing up and giving me a big grin!

I was eating an apple one day and he REALLY wanted to bite the apple too. He would cry if I didn't let him bite it too. It was so funny - he loved that! He is still that way, if you have an apple, be prepared to share with Z.

Our baby is 10 months old - where has the time gone?! He is so much fun. Here are a few things about him:
1. He hums as he is going to sleep - SOOOOOOOO cute!

2. He loves mandarin oranges, blueberries, and applesauce.
3. He now has 1 leg up and foot planted when crawling. He keeps the other leg under him like he is crawling and he is very fast at crawling now.

4. He is cruising along the furniture - has been for about 3-4 wks now.

5. We have 4 teeth (2 top and 2 bottom).

6. He sleeps about 10 hours at night.

7. He is starting to kiss me - he hasn't done this with anyone else yet.

8. He has said dada and mama. He has other "words" too that he repeats when he wants to.

He is such a sweet little guy and we're so blessed to have him as part of our family. We really enjoy spending time with him, playing with him, loving on him, and just being his parents.

Zachary, we love you oh so much!!!!
NOW, for my update on last weeks weight loss. I am excited to report a loss of 10 lbs in the last few weeks. When I was at my docs office they weighed me............Oh how I love this part.....haha Well, according to what their scale said and what I weighed today, I have lost 10 lbs. I was very excited about that b/c I have avoided the scale as much as possible. :) I don't really care what the number is, but how I feel, but I did give in and hop on. I went and found Les' scale and hopped on, but to my amazement, I was excited. So, now I only have 40 lbs to go, but that is still a very long way to go. I know that I can do it!!!! Especially if I blog about it and am honest. I need the encouragement to keep going and not give up.
Some things that I did this past week to start changing my habits. I worked out 3 of the 7 days and on those other days, I would do little stuff around the house. So, everyday, I really did something. 2 days I did the 30 Day Shred. 1 day I did bellydancing. That was fun and I was a little sore the next day!!! haha Who would guess that I would be sore after that, but definitely not as sore as after 30 day Shred. This week, it's supposed to be warmer and I am SUPER excited by that b/c Zachary and I will be able to get out in the afternoon and play outside. He loves riding on the bike with us, so I know that we'll do that a few times this week. Nothing like good ole fresh air! :) I have also worked on trying to not snacking as well. That has been a little bit more challenging, but I am doing the best that I can.
Have a Magnificant Monday!!!!!!!!!!!


Rower Two said...

what do you mean you dont know where that first picture is from?? I took it of the two of you at Logan's birthday party- that is my house in the background. Silly willy!! :-)

Kimberly said...

Ha!!!! That was after Logan's b'day, right?! I see now, it is your front room w/the ball pit!!!