Christmas 2011

Christmas 2011


Lilypie Third Birthday tickers


Lilypie First Birthday tickers


A New Year and A New Me

Yesterday I started my new weight loss plan (not a diet). I hate the word diet b/c the word "diet" is so cliche and means (to me) that I can't eat anything that I want, etc. and I'm stuck with well, salads. I love ice cream - so my weakness!!!! However, I am going to limit how much I eat, watch the rest of the food I eat (limit quantity), and eat only when I'm hungry.

I am also going to be doing 30 day shred; which I had done about 5 minutes of it before and could hardly walk the next day........LOL However, today, I did the full 20 minutes and my legs were pretty wobbly, but I made it through with several breaks! It talks about how your stamina would be higher in a few days, so I am looking forward to that. When I was in high school - I could do a full 5 minute kick routine and do fine AND have a smile across my face. Could I do that now.........NOOOOOOOOOO WAY!!!!!!! I am also going to be doing a few other videos that I have had that have been collecting dust!! hahaha They are pilates, belly dancing (I love this video), and I think I have a few others, but can't think of them. I get bored doing 1 video every day, so I need something to alternate with. I also LOVE getting outside and jogging or riding my bike. However, I just can't pull myself outside to jog when it's a mere 35 degrees........too cold for this gal!! Also, I bought several months ago a seat for Zachary to sit on on my bike, so once it's warmer for him; then we'll get out more. We have been out several times and Zachary LOVED it.........he would smile, laugh, and just look around. Occasionally, I could feel him grabbing for my back and laughing. So, it'll be a lot of fun once it's a tad warmer, but don't see that with THIS weeks forecast...........BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

I am also going to be competing against a close friend of mine to lose weight (her name will remain anonymous since I don't know if she wants to be named on my blog), but mainly for accountability. I want to lose weight and drop a whopping 50 lbs! I am not alone in my quest and look forward to doing this with Blair too. She is a fellow momma who has some weight to lose. Even though I don't KNOW her personally; we are in the same shoes. Now, I can't say that I am ready to post MY picture quite yet, but I am ready to finish losing the rest of my baby weight and then some. I want to get back in my old clothes AND to be ready for baby #2. NO, I'm not prego either!!!!!

Here we go...............Wish me LUCK!!!
p.s. the picture above was taking of Les and I when we ate at The Melting Pot for my 30th birthday this past November. :)


The Reynolds said...

Good Luck Kim! Ryan and I are going to start training for a is hard getting back into things!!

Amy said...

Good for you, Kim. I have that same philosophy about dieting. I think restricting myself completely just causes me to want what I can't have even more. Not sure how we'll do on eating healthier but we are going to try...

We are also actually planning to get a elliptical cardio machine to help us get some exercise. Craig works such long hours that there is never enough hours in the day for us to both make it to the gym without going at the crack of dawn or late at night, and gym memberships plus child care is so expensive. Craig has a membership now but isn't going because he'd have to leave here so much earlier and go to bed so much earlier which would mean we would almost never see each other. So, now that we have the space, we are going to start working out at home.

Blair said...

Let us hobble after the 30 Day Shred together! We shall order walkers & heating pads!

Kimberly said...

Thank you, everyone! So far so good. :)

Blair - my hubby was laughing at me when I would stand up SLOWLY b/c of being sore. BUT, not as sore as the 1st time that I did the video!! YAY!

jv726 said...

Hi!! I saw your comment on my blog and had to stop over :)
Good luck with your journey! Its so nice to have a community to look to for accountability and support even though we dont know one another!
Have a great weekend!!