Christmas 2011

Christmas 2011


Lilypie Third Birthday tickers


Lilypie First Birthday tickers



Holy cow, where has the last year gone?!  Is it really almost 2011?????

We've had a great CHRISTmas holiday enjoying our family & friends.  :)  We finished celebrating last night with my family.  Christopher's kids finally made it into town 4 days late b/c of the snow storm that the  East coast had.  We had a great time last night with them & then they leave Sunday.  Next time that they come down; they'll have a new cousin.  :):)  They're SUPER excited about that & that it's going to be a girl this time.  LOL

I am adding a belly picture that was taken just a few weeks ago, so I would venture to say that it is a 27 week shot & I am currently at 29 weeks.  I figured out that I am actually measuring about 2 1/2 - 3 weeks ahead w/ the fluid.  My current guess of when Miss Baby C will come is February 20th - what do you think?!  I hope she stays in as long as possible, but I am having Braxton Hicks everyday, but so far NOT effecting my cervix....praise the Lord!  

27 week shot

Here is a comparison between my brother & I.  As you can tell, he has sympathy weight for his sister....LOL  Of course, I have a reason to be where I'm at, but NOT HIM!!!  We tease him that he's due before me.  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Happy New Year's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You look so cute!