Today is Tuesday - where in the world did Monday go?!
Okay, so I'm totally kidding!! I know where Monday went........LOL
I had a good time in PA this past weekend. Les and I flew up to PA to see his sister and brother-in-law adopt a 10 yr old boy named Joey. It was very cool. We left on Wednesday evening and came home Monday night LATE.
Here is the lowdown of our vacation:
Wednesday - depart for PA at 5:25 PM and arrive with absolutely NO problems. We were actually about 15 - 20 minutes early - SWEET!
Thursday - "Gotcha Day" This was really neat! We went to have some fun at Chuck E. Cheese. After that we went home and I think this is also when Les and I took Joey on a 2 mile walk. That was really nice - a little warm, but definitely nice!!
Friday - we went out for a picnic at a park and that turned out well, a few bugs tried to eat our sandwiches instead of us!!! LOL Randy (brother-in-law), Les, and I took a hike up to this "cave." The cave was the result of them trying to build a railway through the mountain, but it proved too difficult and stopped their efforts (I have pics I'll post later). The temperature in the cave was SIGNIFICANTLY cooler than outside. There was even a block of ice still in the cave - I found that fascinating!!! We hiked down to have our picnic with Donna (sister-in-law) and Doris (mother-in-law). We got down there and the bugs were TERRIBLE!!! We ended up leaving and finding another park to have our picnic at. This was a much better place to eat b/c the bugs weren't bad at all. :) Randy took Les, me and Joey to this park to ride bikes. We ended up riding about 3 miles. I think we played games that evening and enjoyed each other's company.
Saturday - We stayed around the house and played Phase 10 and Strategy. Then that afternoon we took off for another park. This park was where Randy and Donna got engaged. At another section of the park was a beach, spillway/dam, nature trails, etc. We wandered around the nature trails and then we went back and I put my legs in the water at the spillway. That was VERY COLD!!!!!!!! Saturday night we went to eat (tell more about this in a minute) and then to this country line dancing called Tractor Twang ( When we first got there I didn't want to get out of the car b/c the mean age was 17 or so. I was so embarrassed and just kept laughing. I think that everyone was laughing at this point too. We all finally got out of the car and went in. We had a great time and you can see my picture on the Tractor Twang's website at ( Okay, now about the dinner - we thought it would be good to go and eat at Friendly's. Well, we get there and there is absolutely no wait to sit down. We order our drinks and dinner. I'm not kidding, we sat there for an hour and then I go to complain. The manager said that the food would be out in 3 minutes, well after 5 minutes we got up and left. We went to McDonald's and drove through the drive through in 5 minutes and were on our way to our country line dancing. :):):) We danced till about 9:30 PM and then we had to get home to go to bed for church on Sunday morning b/c we were going to the early service.
Sunday - we go to church and see Randy and Donna dedicate Joey to the Lord. After church we went over to Randy's mom's house and had lunch with their family. We had a good time, but it rained the whole time. Les and I didn't let the rain stop us, we still wandered around and looked at the trees that surrounded us. After that we went home and finished packing and left for the airport. We get to the airport, check in, go through security and then we find out that the plane that was coming to take us to Chicago had been struck by lightening. So, our flight was cancelled. It took almost 1 1/2 hours to find out what our new flights would be. They put us up in a hotel room and we slept like little babies that night. We got up the next morning and went back to the airport to drop our bags off. After that we had breakfast and then headed out to Lancaster. Randy and Donna drove back to Harrisburg and we went and toured Lancaster. We had a good time. We took a buggy ride through the Amish country. It was VERY informative and we all seemed to really enjoy it!!! Then after that we went and ate lunch and looked through a few shops. It was then time to go back to the airport to try to get on our flight again. Which was successful UNTIL we arrived in Chicago and went to get on our next flight; that's when our traveling came to a screeching hault. That plane had some mechanical problems and they changed our gate, brought another plane out of the hanger, cleaned it and got it ready, then we boarded. After we boarded; then it was no time till we were off and flying towards Dallas. Once we arrived in Dallas we were so excited, but we pulled up to the gate and no one was there to direct the plane in. We sat there for 30 minutes or so and then finally we got to finish pulling up and got off!!!! We pulled into our driveway around 1 AM and we were exhausted to say the least!!!! We had been up about 18 hours and ready to go to bed.
All in all we had a great time and so glad that we were able to go. I'll post pictures once I get them downloaded off my camera. :)
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