I am currently involved in this Bible Study with my Sunday School class ladies. I just have to say that I love this Bible Study and boy has it hit some strings for me.
I wanted to share a little bit about tonight's gathering. One thing that the author talks about or should I say asks about is why we risk opening up to other believers. I would say that this can be hard for me b/c I am one who doesn't necesarily open up to a lot of people with deep things or things that are bothering me. Normally, I will go to my mom or a few close friends. Then during the study later on I really opened up (to me at least) about how when we were going through the blood problems with Zachary I did my best to stay focused on the Lord and not "tunnel vision" with the problem. When I would start to feel overwhelmed or couldn't stop the tears; we would pray for me, Les, Zachary, our doctors, etc. It would usually calm me down until I hit my next bout with fear about the possibility of losing Zachary (this is what I think that I struggled with the most until we saw the hemotologist that had worked with Les' niece when she was born). Anyways, my main point in telling this is b/c I want to give glory to God for taking care of my baby and for also directing the doctors and their decisions. There is never once during the last 6 months that I didn't give glory to God. I would cry to the doctors with good and bad news and praise the Lord. Our one favorite doctor at Children's Plano will usually tear up when I cry too and I just tell her that God is the one who has healed Zachary and got him to this point. She is a Christian too; which I have found out after the fact and that is always a neat thing.
Anyways, one thing that I am going to try to do and work on is to be more open with fellow Christians when I need prayer, going through a hard time, etc.
Thank you, God for the ladies in my Bible study and for what they mean to me so far. I know that this Bible study is just going to get better and better - too bad it's only 6 weeks long!! ;)
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