Christmas 2011

Christmas 2011


Lilypie Third Birthday tickers


Lilypie First Birthday tickers


Day 4

Today, I am thankful for the newest member of our family, Sadie!  She has been such a blessing to our family.  She is so much fun, has the BEST smile, has awesome hair (like myself), is very curious of people and her surroundings (another characteristic of me).  All in all, she's just the BEST daughter!!  When I was pregnant w/ Sadie, I was kind of hoping that it would be another boy, but the minute they said it was a girl (at 13 wks); I was like," OH MY GOSH, I WANT A GIRL........YAY!!!!!!!!"  I was so excited and knew that my dreams of piercing her ears, big bows, etc were going to come true.  For as long as I can remember; I have wanted to piece my daughters ears and this was before I was even married.  :):)

Today she is 8 months old and for her b'day present; she got the 2nd round of her flue shot.  What fun is that?!  :)  Let's see, she is rolling every where, she army crawls all over the house now (no part of the house is off limits.....she crawled into the bathroom where Les was showering and was there on the little rug when he opened the door to get out.......too cute!).  She has 2 teeth (bottom front) and 2 more teeth that are just about to cut (I give it a day or 2 days at the most till they cut through the gums).  Those 2 teeth coming in are the top front.  She eats like crazy!  Loves straws.......she will FIGHT you for your straw.......HA!  I keep her hair either in a clip or pony-tail most of the time b/c it's now in her eyes.  It's gotten sooooooooo long!  I could continue, but overall, she's doing GREAT and lovin' life!

Here are some pictures of our sweet little girl:

The night before she was born!

1 month old

2 months old

3 months old

3 1/2 months old

4 months old

5 months old

6 months old

7 months old

8 months old - this was just take a few days ago and she was LOVING that lollipop.  Zachary got a lollipop for her while he was Trick-Or-Treating!!

Sadie, I love you so much and couldn't be any happier that you're my baby girl.  I look forward to seeing you grow up.  I pray that you rely on God and that you follow His will for your life.  I love you, Sadie Jewell!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

amy smitherman said...

She is just the cutest little thing! I see your mom in her :) So glad I finally got to meet her!