Christmas 2011

Christmas 2011


Lilypie Third Birthday tickers


Lilypie First Birthday tickers



Yay! I just love this time of year. It is a time of celebrating the birth of my Savior, Jesus Christ and a time to be with family.

This blog is going to be a hodge podge of things...........I totally need to update, so here we go!
Here is a picture of my girl, Kodiak, and I chilling on the couch. Daddy took a picture of laying together on the couch. She had her head resting on my neck and daddy thought it was too cute to pass up. This was taken a few weeks ago. Kodiak has been doing pretty good, but the cold has been hard on her hips (she needs her hips replaced, but too expensive), so she receives shots whenever she needs them. She had a few rough days, but she is back to her old antics again. It's definitely hard to keep her down!!!!! Kodiak is a mover and a shaker..........LOL :)
This past Tues, we started our 3rd trimester and I can hardly believe it. Here is the 28 wk "belly" shot. I look at the picture and can hardly believe it. I only see one view and that's looking at the top of my tummy and that's NOT what I see. I get excited when I see the pictures b/c then I can see what other's see. :) I had my monthly check-up this past Monday also. I had my glucose tolerant test (GTT) and I passed! My blood count was a little low, so my doc told me to take an Iron supplement, so I have started that. When we were at the check-up and before the doc came in, Les and my mom were talking to the baby and they each had a hand on my tummy. Les got to feel the baby for the 1st time and was quite amazed by the little living thing in my tummy growing. He has got to see my tummy jump, but that was the first time he actually felt him. He just smiled; which made me smile too. Now he can kind of see what I feel, but I feel it internally. ;)
The baby stats were:
HB: 138 - 142 bpm
Weight: a little over 2 lbs
EDD: March 17th
I am now scheduled to see my doctor every 2 weeks and I can't believe how quickly we have arrived at this. Seems like just yesterday we were finding out that we were pregnant. I have a huge range of emotions that hit me at different times, but overall, we're very excited about meeting our little Baby C.

Here are the iced sugar cookies that I made this year. My husband LOVES these cookies and I'm not kidding when I say that he has eaten probably 60% or more of them. I think that there are 5 left and NO I'M NOT KIDDING!!! I am married to a man who has a HUGE sweet tooth. The other things that I have made this year are choc truffles, oreo truffles, peanut butter and choc truffles, and fudge.
Here are the cookies; they turned out cute and here they are:

You can see that we each have our name on a stocking cap,
here is Baby C's, Kodiak's, and Bear's cookies.

Here are mine and Les' cookies.
We hope that you remember the real reason for Christmas and that is Christ's birth. He is the real reason for the season.............Merry CHRISTmas from our family to yours!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas!

Sarah said...

You're cookies are so pretty!

Dori said...

That picture of Kodiak is adorable... I'm so sorry for your loss...

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas...your cookies are awesome! I am so sorry I missed the shower yesterday. Kimberly, email me your new address...I think I just have your old one saved in my address book. I have something I wanted to drop off for the baby. :) Lindsay