Christmas 2011

Christmas 2011


Lilypie Third Birthday tickers


Lilypie First Birthday tickers


We Love You, Kodiak!

Kodiak, this blog is dedicated totally to you. I want you to know how much you meant to me and your daddy. We miss you so much and you will be forever in our hearts! This is a very hard time for us; especially yesterday when we had to make the best decision for you; which was to send you to be with Jesus before we were ready to let you go. I know that you understand because of the condition that your body was in. I am so glad that we were able to be there with you and love on you while you took your last few breaths on this earth. I know that we'll see you again in Heaven - make sure to take care of Grandma & Grandpa Brown, Sam and Josey up there. As I think back over all our memories and I am just so blessed to have had you. I don't know why God decided to take you after 5 years, but I guess that you were done on earth. I will always remember you and will never forget you. We love you so much, Kodiak!!


MondoSheltie said...

We love you Kodiak, know that you will live on in our hearts

Terrie and Toby

Dori said...

Kodiak was a sweetie.. Kimberly/Les, I'm so sorry for your loss. Know that Kodiak is well, healthy and romping at the bridge with all that have gone before her... Hugs to you both.

Anonymous said...

I love you both very much! Know that Kodiak is up there playing with your Grandma and my Pappy and all the frogs!!!! :) I am praying for yall and know that God will place a sense of peace upon your hearts that only He can provide. I wish I could take the pain away but know I am always here for you both. Love yall and see you soon! :) Love you Kodiak! You are an AMAZING dog! Take care of Grandma and Pappy for us.

Unknown said...

I am so sorry to hear about Kodiak! You're in my prayers!

Lisa L said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Kodiak. Twice I've had to be part of the decision to put to sleep a dog I loved. It's no fun at all.

Anonymous said...

OMG, I'm in tears right now reading this last entry. I am so sorry for your loss. The exact same thing happened to Jaime and I...we had a black lab named Madison and she got very sick (had lymphoma-cancer) and we had to put her to sleep, also at age 5. It was before kids so she was our child-like Kodiak is for you guys was so hard, but also like you, Jaime and I were with Madison as she took her last breaths, so I totally feel your pain and again am sooo sorry for you loss. I will pray for peace and comfort during this sad time.

Anonymous said...

I cried all over again when I read your blog entry. I can't believe it still. I just keep thinking she is playing with you guys. I'm so sorry girl.
I love Kodiak and miss her so much as well. I have so many great memories with her!
Love ya babe! 2009 will be divine!!!