Christmas 2011

Christmas 2011


Lilypie Third Birthday tickers


Lilypie First Birthday tickers



While I was at my parents' house for lunch today we were all getting ready to leave and this "smell" was lingering behind Kodiak like she had BAD gas. It was really funny, but man did it ever burn your nose too. Caitlyn, my niece who is 3 yrs old kept saying," something is stinky!" We all kept laughing and saying that Kodiak had gas. Well, I take Kodiak outside to see if she "needs to go," but she refuses to do anything but stand there and stare at me. I took her back inside and I went ahead and left to go back to work and my mom and the kids left to go to the vet with one of the other dogs. My mom got back home about 1 1/2 hours later and she walked into the house and could STILL smell the stinch. My mom said that she either really has bad gas or she has gone to the bathroom in the house. A few minutes later Caleb went into the living room and lo and behold he found the culprit of the stinch - 4 HUGE PILES OF POOP! My mom said that one pile was honestly 4 inches high and about 8 inches wide - she said," Kimberly, I'm not kidding, it was gross!" As she was telling me on the phone about this whole incident - I am just laughing and laughing. I told her that if I would have had to clean up the poop - I would have gagged or thrown-up because I don't think that I could handle it at this point. Anyways, I will be going to get Ms. Kodiak Marie after I get off work and take care of a few things. Hopefully she'll have the poo poo all out of her system! LOL

The fun times of having a dog and having a dog that enjoys eating weird things like bugs, sticks, etc...............have a great day!


Dori said...

I'm laughing because I've been there and cleaned that up! Sorry Kodiak was feeling icky...

Jill Cornelius said...

Oh gosh! Not just gross, but ga-ross! LOL!