I had my weekly check-up today and all is progressing very nicely.
After talking to my doctor today - I found out that she was very worried about me b/c:
1. protein in my urine
2. blood pressure was high
So, she decided to put me on a fetal heart monitor for an hour and check his movements with his heart rate. She also took blood from me to check that and see how my liver and kidney's were functioning. She put me on bed rest and that's what I did.
THIS WEEK she could tell that I had followed her instructions.
1. my blood pressure was lower
2. no protein in my urine
But, when she did the internal exam she could feel his head and tell that he had started to engage in my pelvis. She put me on bed rest because my cervix is starting to soften like it's supposed to, but it's not quite ready for delivery yet. She said that if I went into labor now that my cervix is not quite ready and more than likely she would have to do a c-section. She said that she can see the mucus plug and that I will be losing that very soon. I'm glad that she told me that, so that at least I know to be expecting that soon. However, she said that she gives him about 1 1/2 - 2 weeks.
So, today was my last day at work until after my maternity leave. I am getting SOOO excited about meeting our little guy and can hardly wait now. I'll be curious to see how Baby C and I are doing next week. I have been really drained the last few days and exhausted, but right now I am on Cloud 9!!!! LOL
Love y'all and thank you for the prayers as we continue on for the last few weeks!!!!!!!!!!
p.s. Sarah, I am going to go and pack my bags right now!!!! ;)
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WOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! That is soooo exciting! I am happy for yall! Get lots of rest and get that bag ready woman. He is on his way very soon!!!!!! I can't wait to see that handsome little man! Love you! Miss you soooo much!
So exciting!! Take it easy these next few days and enjoy every single quiet, peaceful moment because it's all about to change!! :-) But in a good way!! Can't wait to meet him!!
This is so exciting! And you should get your bags packed! Men have no clue how to do it, lol! Get your rest now while you can!
Won't be long now. Hooray!
Oh wow! He is getting ready! I didn't remember you telling me you had protein in your blood??? Sounds like you definitely had a case of preeclampsia. She must not be too worried since she didn't deliver. That is good news that the BP and protein in blood is gone now. If you want to come over one day and hang out for a while, just let me know and I can come pick you up. Or we can come over there and visit. I still want to get you your gift and the warmer. Can't wait for play dates!
Yeah, I didn't know I did until yesterday when she was telling me that she didn't tell me b/c she wanted to see the blood work first. Thank goodness all the blood work came back good or I'm sure that we would have had him by now! :)
phew! I'm so glad you're packing! :D
Awesome! From what I have heard the first one comes on his own time. You can't predict. I feel your excitement!
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